For many Canadians, rent is their single largest expense. Understanding how much you can afford and living within your means will have you living a healthy and productive life. Use your budget as an apartment guide and focus your efforts on finding an apartment that first fits your finances. Once you have short-listed the results based on cost, look at features and amenities in addition to location and possession date as key differentiators when you ultimately make your decision and submit an offer to lease.
The Internet is a great apartment finder resource. Take full advantage of the many features on Apartment guide websites like to filter for properties that fit your wish list you're your budget. With many good-quality apartments for rent across the country, view as many listings as you can to that you feel confident when you ultimately decide to submit an offer to lease.
When you find an apartment that fits your wish list of needed features and amenities, is within your budget and is located in a desirable neighborhood within close proximity to your school, office or friends submit an application. Do not hesitate when dealing with landlords and property managers. Let them know you are interested and that you want to rent the apartment. Have your paperwork ready and show that you are a knowledgeable and professional person and that you will make for a good tenant. While there are many good quality apartments for rent in Canada, the most desirable apartments and condos often rent first.
Renting an apartment is a business transaction and like any good business transaction it deserves your full and complete attention. If you are unsure about any of the terms in the lease have the landlord clarify them for you, or bring the lease to your lawyer and have them review the terms and conditions on your behalf. As a general rule, make sure to get all agreements and understandings between you and the landowner in writing. A well-defined and complete lease agreement will lead to a strong and positive renting experience for both you and your landlord.
Apartment Rentals Canada | ActiveListings | Minimum Rent | Maximum Rent |
Studio Apartments for Rent | $995 | $2,405 | |
1 Bedroom Apartments for Rent | $850 | $3,150 | |
2 Bedroom Apartments for Rent | $1,000 | $4,095 | |
3 Bedroom Apartments for Rent | $1,681 | $7,495 |