Marquee offers the perfect combo of lifestyle and comfort. Located in the heart of West Queen West, apartments are beautifully finished, with hardwood throughout and balconies that overlook an active neighbourhood. This rental community is surrounded by Toronto's trendiest. Boutique hotels like The Drake and The Gladstone make the scene with dining, lounges and music venues that bring out Toronto's A-list scenesters. From fashion and dining to tattoos, patios, galleries and back-alley graffiti, Marquee is a great home that comes with a fabulous lifestyle.
The Marquee is located in an established friendly residential neighbourhood. Here is a location with everything you need. Right in the centre of the movie and TV production district. Full of fine shopping, pleasant bistros and beautiful art. King St., Exhibition Place and Ontario Place are only a few blocks south towards the lakefront. Miles of trails and parklands extend along the waterfront to the east and the west. In terms of transportation, the streetcar is steps from the door, while the University subway is just a short 5 minute ride down Queen St. The GO Exhibition station is conveniently nearby, and the Gardiner Expressway is a moment's drive from the building.
Indoor Parking: $130
Outdoor Parking: N/A
55 Lisgar Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6J 3X6
Rentals in Toronto, ON
usually cost between $ per month
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