Make this your new home!!!
Beautiful and spacious Bachelor bedroom units from $ 1450 (and up) with full kitchen and two appliances, freshly sanded parquet flooring, freshly painted walls, private balconies, ample storage space throughout unit.
Building amenities include: laundry room on the first floor, disposal on every floor, security cameras are at every entrance and exit, acceptable parking, clean.
Building security features include: electronic key access to building, intercom system, security cameras.
Neighbourhood features include: grocery stores, restaurants, medical buildings, public schools, college and university.
Utilities (heat, hydro, water) are INCLUDED.
111 Taunton Road East , Oshawa, Ontario, Canada,
Rentals in Oshawa, ON
usually cost between $ per month
Your Rent Estimate Report
Range of rent prices in the area for similar properties.
Results based on rental properties with in Oshawa, Ontario
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