APLV Investor FAQs

What is GottaRent’s ticker symbol?

Our ticker is APLV.

What exchange is GottaRent’s stock listed on?

We are listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE: APLV).

Where is GottaRent located?

Our registered head office is in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Where is GottaRent incorporated?

We are a federally incorporated Canadian corporation.

When did GottaRent go public?

Our common stock began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange on August 30, 2021.

How can I view documents GottaRent has filed with the Canadian Securities Exchange?

All our corporate filings are available for review on Sedar.com

Who is GottaRent’s transfer agent?

Our transfer agent is Odyssey Trust Company.

Who is GottaRent’s independent auditor?

Our independent auditor is RSM Canada.

When is GottaRent’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on December 31.

Does GottaRent’s pay dividends on its shares?

We do not currently pay dividends on our shares.

Where can I get the latest company news on GottaRent?

For the latest company news, visit our Press Release page or email our executive at: investors@GottaRent.com

Where should I go for a press inquiry?

Members of the press can contact us at: media@GottaRent.com
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